Tuesday, March 23, 2021

"#ChurchToo with Emily Joy Allison" Episode of BtN

The eighth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "#ChurchToo" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with yoga teacher, poet, and author Emily Joy Allison. We discussed Emily Joy's new book #ChurchToo: How Purity Culture Upholds Abuse and How to Find Healing. Order your copy of #ChurchToo wherever you buy your books. The music from this episode is "Raindrops" by Bandy featuring Sedonte Rouland, Vokul, and Gwen T. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#ChurchToo #EmilyJoyAllison #ChurchTooBook #newbook #purityculture #cancelpurityculture  #smashthepatriarchy #evolvingfaith #deconstruction #eshetchayil #womanofvalor #exvangelical #broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastsofinstagram #challengethenarrative

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

"Reframing Missions with Mekdes Haddis" Episode of BtN


The seventh episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Reframing Missions" for the Broadening the Narrative  podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with African missiologist Mekdes Haddis. Mekdes is also the Founder and Executive Coach at Just Missions, and she has a forthcoming book with InterVarsity Press. We discussed reframing missions. The music from this episode is "Broken Record" featuring Lucee by Micah Bournes and Jasmine Rodriguez. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastsofinstagram #justmissions #missions #decolonizemissions #decolonization #unmutethemic #dismantlewhitesupremacy #eshetchayil #womanofvalor #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

"Navigating Seminary as a Woman with Kari Helton" Episode of BtN

The sixth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Navigating Seminary as a Woman" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with my friend Kari Helton. Kari shared about her experiences as a woman at two different seminaries. Kari was also a guest on the episodes about singleness in the Christian church. There is a part 1 and a part 2 for that conversation if you haven’t listened to them yet. The music from this episode is "More Love" by Bandy. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastsofinstagram #evolvingfaith #exvangelical #deconstruction #eshetchayil #womanofvalor #seminary #womeninseminary #jesusfeminist #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

"Deconstruction After Liberty University with Danielle Bolin" Episode of BtN


The fifth episode of season 2 of the Broadening the Narrative podcast is out now. You can listen to the episode "Deconstruction After Liberty University" for the Broadening the Narrative podcast by clicking on any of the hyperlinked platforms below.

In this episode, I talked with one of my dearest friends Danielle Bolin. Danielle shared about her deconstruction journey post Liberty University. Danielle was also a guest on the episodes about singleness in the Christian church. There is a part 1 and a part 2 for that conversation if you haven’t listened to them yet. The music from this episode is “Fan Mail” featuring Propaganda by Micah Bournes. If you like what you hear in this episode, share it with a friend. I really think that little by little, person by person, we can broaden the narrative. In addition, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode. Then, rate and review to help others find the show.

#broadeningthenarrativepodcast #podcasting #podcast #podcastersofinstagram #podcastsofinstagram #evolvingfaith #exvangelical #deconstruction #eshetchayil #womanofvalor #challengethenarrative #broadeningthenarrative